The merchant or customer slides their payment card through the credit card terminal and enters the sale amount. The terminal securely connects to Premier Payments’ best wireless payment processing gateway for authorization.



Our gateway passes transaction data to the bank that issued the credit card and the bank checks to see if the card is valid and confirm that the charge amount is available on the card.



The issuing bank sends back an approval number or a decline message which is received and processed by Premier Payments’ payment processing solutions gateway.



The information is passed back to the credit card terminal which prints a receipt for the customer to sign.
It takes approximately 12-15 seconds to complete steps 1-4 on a credit card machine using a phone line. The newer internet-enabled machines can cut this time to just a few seconds.


It typically takes no more than two business days from the time of the original transaction for the funds to reach the merchant’s checking account, thanks to Premier Payments’ top merchant service provider.