General Questions
Application &


Absolutely. As long as you process transactions through us, the equipment is free for you to use. If you ever decide to terminate your relationship with us, you’ll need to return the equipment within 10 days.

The equipment is yours as long as you process your transactions through us as a credit card processing business. There are no hidden fees or charges. If you terminate your relationship, just return the equipment in working order within 10 days.

The first step is to call our 24/7 help desk. They are our Credit Card Processing Specialists! They will do the initial troubleshooting to determine what the problem is and how to fix it. If they determine that the equipment is defective, we’ll ship you an identical replacement overnight. To return the device, put it back in the box your replacement unit came in and we’ll send you a call tag to return the defective unit.

The initial machine you get is brand new. Any replacement equipment will come from our stock of units that may have been refurbished by our technicians to new working condition.

Yes, our terminals support Pin based debit. This lets you process pin entry debit cards, including check cards and ATM teller cards. The advantage of using debit cards is that you can bypass the additional fees charged by Visa and MasterCard programs.

If you’d like, we can arrange for a third party check guarantee such as Global E to be installed with your terminal so it works hand in hand with your merchant account. This will allow you to place the check in the scanner which will upload the image to our check guarantee service.

Our VX510 and FD-50 terminals have sufficient memory to host multiple transaction programs. Each program runs independently of each other so you can always add your own third party programs if you need them down the road.

All funds from approved transactions are deposited directly into your checking account within 24-48 hours.

All funds from approved transactions are deposited directly into your checking account within 24-48 hours.

We’d like to say never, but the card associations (Visa, MasterCard, Amex, etc.) do change their rates occasionally and these must be passed on to our customers. These rates are typically adjusted in the spring and fall however the fees are minimal, generally .0001.

Yes. In addition to the monthly statement that is mailed to you, you have 24/7 access to your transaction data through our password protected reporting system at no charge.

Without getting too technical, GPRS stands for “general packet radio service”. It’s the data equivalent of voice transmission via cell phone. The wireless network is powerful, reliable and has unparalleled coverage. All data is sent and received in a secure environment.

In rare cases you may find you have no signal. In these cases, you can always use the terminal’s “store forward” capability. This allows you to swipe the card and upload the transaction later. Of course, if the transaction is declined, you have no recourse, except to contact the customer and ask for another method of payment. If you are in the store & forward mode, you will still qualify for the discounted swipe rates.

If fully charged, the battery should be able to handle up to 400 transactions. Of course, you can always recharge the device overnight so that your terminal is always charged during business hours.

If you plan to sell products or services on the Internet, you need to have an online payment gateway. A gateway transmits sales from your web site to your financial institution using a secure network. When a customer orders online, the transaction is sent encrypted from your shopping cart to the gateway, which then does the authorizing of the credit card information and returns the approval back to the site. These gateways also include a virtual terminal, which lets you enter transactions manually through a secure portal so you can enter phone orders while others are ordering online.

Of course, using USA ePay you can process ACH payments, Check conversions and Check guarantee.

An online gateway is perfect for the following types of transactions:
  1. Online sales through a website,
  2. Mail or phone orders and, manual transactions for merchants who operate a traditional storefront with a web component. If you fall into one of these categories, you will find that a gateway gives you tremendous flexibility and capability to increase sales.

PC Charge Pro is a software application for your PC that allows you to process credit cards. When installed, you simply transmit the information via your PC instead of your terminal. PC Charge Pro works with DSL, cable modem and dialup connections. You can also swipe credit cards using an optional swiper accessory. This allows you to get lower rates than keyed transactions. The software is installed on a PC hard drive; much like any Windows based software application. Transaction approval is transmitted over the phone line through an internal PC modem or through the Internet via a DSL connection.

Funds are usually added directly to your account within 24 banking hours.

If you already have a compatible terminal through a different merchant program, we can reprogram it for you free.

A reprogram of your equipment switches your merchant account service from your current provider to us. That way, you can keep using the equipment you’re already used to while enjoying our highly competitive rates and superior customer service and support.

All you need to do is contact us to open a merchant account. Once it is approved, we will build a download file that is specific to your terminal type and business. We will then contact you so the file can be downloaded over a phone line to your machine. The whole process takes 5 to 10 minutes. That’s all there is to it.

You don’t want to cancel your current processor until the reprogramming is complete. That way you won’t have to disrupt your sales process. Once the reprogramming is complete, your service will change automatically to ours. Once you have verified that the funds are reaching your bank account, you can cancel your old service.

This varies by processor. In most cases, all you have to do is fax a signed letter to the processor requesting termination.

That depends entirely upon your contract with them. Be sure to contact their customer service department to inquire about termination penalties.

We can reprogram nearly any equipment currently in use. However, you may want to check, particularly if your equipment is more than five years old. If it turns out we can’t update it, you may want to consider taking advantage of our free equipment offer.

Regardless of whether you get new equipment from us or use your old terminal, you still get our terrific 24/7 customer support.

In most cases, yes. Leases are financial obligations between you and the leasing company. Your relationship with us has no effect on the lease agreement. We recommend you contact your leasing company to find out what the terms and penalties are for terminating a lease before the contract is up .

Sorry, but we are unable to waive the fee for any reason.

Yes. While we need this information to process your application, we will not share it with any third party and it will be held in the strictest confidence.

Possibly, However, we may be able to accept two years of business financials (prepared by an accountant) or two years of tax returns from corporations as a substitute for the personal guarantee. The personal guarantor is only required because of the cost of the equipment.